When you are injured in a transport accident you need to know what you are entitled to.

TAC Claims - A Short Guide.

Transport Injury.

Notify Police.

Make a TAC claim within 1 year.

Legal Advice.

Talk to Peninsula Injury Lawyers while events are fresh in your mind.

Know your rights from the start.

If you are unable to work, make a TAC claim for loss of earning benefits. You will need to provide TAC with a certificate of capacity and details of loss of earnings

If you need medical, rehabilitation, disability, travel or other support services, make a claim for these.

If your injury is permanent you may be able to claim an Impairment Benefit.

If your injury is serious and was caused by someone else's negligence you may be able to seek common law damages.

Transport Injury.

Notify Police.

Make a TAC claim within 1 year.

Legal Advice.

Talk to Penny while events are fresh in your mind.

Know your rights from the start.

Weekly Payments.

If you are unable to work, make a TAC claim for loss of earning benefits. You will need to provide TAC with a certificate of capacity and details of loss of earnings

Medical and Support Services.

If you need medical, rehabilitation, disability, travel or other support services, make a claim for these.

Impairment Benefit.

If your injury is permanent you may be able to claim an Impairment Benefit.

Common Law.

If your injury is serious and was caused by someone else's negligence you may be able to seek common law damages.

Car Accident Compensation Claims

If you have been injured in a transport accident and need time off work you may be entitled to loss of earning benefits. If you need medical, rehabilitation, disability, travel, household or other support services it is possible to make a TAC claim for these as well. If you have a permanent injury you may be entitled to an impairment benefit, if you have a serious permanent injury and the transport accident occurred because of the negligence of someone else you may be entitled to sue and recover common law damages.

Strict time limits apply to TAC claims so it is important that you get advice about your rights as soon as possible.

How Peninsula Injury Lawyers can help

Talk to Peninsula Injury Lawyers about how to make a TAC claim and what your individual entitlements might be. We can help you make a TAC claim and can also help if your claim has been rejected. If you have a permanent injury, we will be able to let you know if you can make a claim for a TAC impairment benefit and can help you make that claim.

If you have a serious injury caused by the negligence of another person you may be entitled to common law damages. Peninsula Injury Lawyers can also advise you about whether you are able to sue and recover damages and she can help you make a common law claim.

We can advise you about your rights to TAC benefits and common law damages.

Car Accident Claim Case Study

Martha has injured her knee in a transport accident


Martha was driving through a green light when another car travelling through the intersection ran a red light and hit her car on the passenger side. The car spun around and her car hit an electricity pole. Martha injured her knee in the accident and attended the hospital for 2 days after the accident. Martha has been unable to work in her job as an accounts clerk since the accident which was 6 months ago. Martha has had a lot of physiotherapy treatment and numerous visits to the specialist and her general practitioner. Martha will need a knee replacement and she will have this in 2 months time. She is uncertain about her future and her entitlements.


Martha must notify the police and make a TAC claim within 12 months of the accident. As Martha has required time off work because of her injuries she can make a claim for loss of earnings benefits. She will need to provide TAC with a claim form and a medical certificate stating that she cannot work because of her injuries. Martha can make a claim for the reasonable medical expenses she has incurred and does not have to pay the excess because she was hospitalised for a few days after the accident. As Martha is having a knee replacement it is likely that her injury will be permanent and that she will be entitled to an Impairment benefit. It is also likely that Martha will be found to have a serious injury.


As Martha's injury was caused by the negligence of another driver it is likely that she will be able to claim common law damages. Martha should seek legal advice about this as soon as possible while the details of the accident are fresh in her mind and so that she has a better understanding of what her future entitlements might be and what steps she needs to take.

No win. No fee.

Your first consultation is free and without obligation. If we recommend going ahead with your case, we will only charge you for our legal services if you get some compensation.

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Traffic Accident Claims FAQs